Chip Chip Hooray - Jobs aus dem IT-Bereich, Ingenieurwesen und den Naturwissenschaften

Chip Chip Hooray!

- the initial contact for specialists and managers with enthusiasm for modern technology companies

Are you looking for a new professional perspective, primarily in contemporary technology companies?

We would be delighted to connect you with appropriate companies, not only in the chip industry. Our operational areas cover the regions: Magdeburg, Osterweddingen, Staßfurt, Bernburg, Haldensleben and the whole of Saxony-Anhalt.

Chip Chip Hooray, vacancies in and around magdeburg

Take a look at the current technical vacancies in our job market. We look forward to receiving your application or getting to know you in an initial interview.

Unsolicited application for Saxony-Anhalt, chemistry, electrical engineering and more.

You are also welcome to submit an unsolicited application and we will send you vacancies matching your profile by e-mail. In this case we only need your resume and we can start the process.

Jobs Magdeburg and surroundings from the chip area

Would you like to express basic interest in a possible career change without obligation? Send us an e-mail mentioning "Chip Chip Hooray" with your contact details. We will then get in touch with you.

Arrange a non-binding telephone call with Ms. Heinemann

You are interested, but have further questions? Then register for a telephone appointment in our calendar. We will contact you at the time of your choice.

  • Your advantages at one glance:
    • we as partner
      • examining and compiling application documents
      • loyal and independent with work experience since year 1999
      • good connections to companies within the region
      • background experience and knowledge of labor market conditions, salary, future opportunities
      • first class references 
    • discretion
      • discreet, confidential representation of your interests and clarification of individual conditions with employers
      • your application is initially anonymous and you decide yourself which companies will get to know you
    • application
      • permanent positions (no temporary employment)
      • you can apply to several companies simultaniously

Our values

We see communication as the key to successful cooperation with our clients. The first step is always a trusting discussion about the needs and wishes of our clients. Understanding our clients' concerns and open communication also make it easier to adjust ongoing processes in a timely and targeted manner and thus to identify and prevent undesirable developments at an early stage.

Therefore processes can be optimized and made more efficient, and vacancy times can be significantly reduced. The individuality of each process is always taken into account and procedures are adapted to the respective requirements.

Maik K.

"Thanks to the great team of Sybille Heinemann, I found my job for the future. A great support in the application process, which led to success.

Sincere thanks and many more great placement successes. All in all, a very successful team!!!"

See more references

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